Since the chains did not work, we started to think of other options. The reason the chains failed is that I was not willing to put tighter ones on than what you see in the picture of the ewes. The chains are not adjustable. For that reason, we started discussing the use of a thick Nylon Dog Collar. It seemed strong enough. Easy enough to grab when we needed to catch and hold a sheep. The bonus was that it was easily adjustable in size - so as they grow or even as their wool grows, we could always adjust the size. SOLD! I went straight out to the largest feed and farm store that was within a 25 mile radius from us.
I knew exactly what I wanted ... 3 solid black collars for the boys, like this:

...and 5 solid pink collars for the girls, like this:

.. the black collars were easy to find.. the pink ones were no where to be found... at least not solid pink. This was the closest thing I could find for our ladies.

Oh the shame.. I knew they did not like them. It was as though they were saying "Baaaad Taste... Baaaad Taste"!!!